WPI District Event 2014

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2648 157 2877 1735 88 3236 50 22
1277 1768 839 2370 1100 4909 23 137
5347 1687 811 4048 3205 1153 42 48
4169 4564 2423 3930 885 238 143 226
4905 5122 467 4041 1350 4906 85 49
3466 1027 1740 4097 190 3623 46 82
4473 716 4169 61 1735 157 110 86
839 5122 5347 3930 4906 88 80 39
811 1740 1350 1687 1277 4564 147 56
3236 61 1768 2423 4097 1100 149 78
4909 467 1027 4473 3466 4905 44 59
885 1153 2877 3623 4048 4041 146 59
238 190 716 3205 2648 2370 117 29
1740 1100 1768 4564 811 4473 38 75
1735 1687 4097 5347 4169 4909 40 55
4905 190 157 885 839 3205 82 22
467 3930 3466 1350 3236 3623 52 60
716 1027 4048 2877 2370 4041 117 71
4906 1277 238 61 5122 2648 60 116
88 1153 839 2423 1735 3623 68 92
3466 4041 1100 4473 2370 157 57 66
4906 716 811 1768 3930 4909 92 102
2877 1740 3236 1277 4905 5347 112 6
885 88 4048 3205 238 4097 87 78
2648 190 4564 4169 467 1687 96 21
1153 2423 61 5122 1350 1027 82 59
3205 716 1735 3236 4906 885 173 60
3623 3930 1740 238 157 4909 30 59
5347 1100 61 467 1153 1350 42 129
4564 4097 5122 811 4169 2877 125 106
2423 2370 839 2648 4048 3466 101 77
4041 1277 4473 190 1687 88 53 56
4905 1027 3236 1768 3623 811 20 76
2370 5347 4906 157 4169 1100 65 15
3930 2648 4097 1735 1153 4041 37 34
2423 885 467 1277 4909 1740 87 19
238 1687 4473 2877 1350 839 11 82
4048 190 5122 4905 716 1768 57 79
4564 3466 88 1027 3205 61 99 88
2648 3623 1277 4097 4473 4909 58 105
839 190 811 3930 716 2423 86 158
1350 3205 1100 1027 1735 2877 118 117
4048 1687 3236 61 3466 4906 117 108
1740 157 885 5122 88 1768 85 71
5347 238 1153 2370 4564 4905 11 36
467 4041 3236 4169 1027 839 38 22
1768 3205 157 1350 4909 1687 67 71
4473 3930 1100 4048 238 1740 39 37
467 2370 1277 4097 1153 4906 31 66
190 4041 2423 2877 5347 4564 79 80
3466 716 3623 5122 1735 4169 34 227
61 88 811 2648 4905 885 108 67
3236 157 1277 238 4564 1027 24 101
839 4906 1740 1153 3466 190 77 58
1100 467 1735 4905 4048 2423 128 135
3205 2877 4473 4041 61 3930 57 124
4097 811 2370 3623 5122 1687 153 32
716 4909 2648 885 1350 5347 49 33
1768 4169 1153 88 1277 3205 50 70
4905 3930 1735 1740 2370 190 72 66
4041 4909 4564 61 839 238 121 88
3623 1100 1027 1687 885 716 36 78
1350 2423 157 467 4048 4097 93 73
4906 2648 4169 2877 3466 1768 78 47
4473 5347 88 3236 811 5122 67 162
190 1350 61 3205 2423 1740 143 46
4169 4097 4905 716 839 1100 37 65
3623 885 4564 4048 4906 4473 146 208
1735 2370 3466 3930 1277 811 91 56
3236 1153 4909 4041 5122 157 86 100
2877 238 88 1768 467 5347 116 8
1027 1687 4906 2648 4473 2423 28 89
3623 157 1153 61 4564 716 47 98
1768 238 1735 5347 3236 3466 132 43
811 4909 885 2877 467 190 122 124
1350 4048 2370 88 1740 4169 148 63
3930 5122 3205 2648 1100 1687 66 88
839 4905 4041 1277 1027 4097 131 23


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 716 885 4169
Alliance 2 1350 4564 1687
Alliance 3 4909 4048 4906
Alliance 4 2423 2370 1768
Alliance 5 2648 5122 811
Alliance 6 4473 190 2877
Alliance 7 4905 1735 839
Alliance 8 61 3623 3930

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
885 716 4169 3623 3930 61 133 103
4169 716 885 3623 61 3930 103 74
1768 2423 2370 2648 5122 811 76 102
2370 2423 1768 2648 811 5122 125 138
1687 4564 1350 1735 4905 839 111 52
1687 4564 1350 839 1735 4905 106 53
4906 4909 4048 190 2877 4473 122 153
4909 4906 4048 2877 4473 190 121 119
4048 4909 4906 2877 190 4473 110 164
716 4169 885 811 2648 5122 99 108
716 885 4169 5122 811 2648 126 116
885 716 4169 811 2648 5122 83 174
1350 1687 4564 190 2877 4473 87 105
1350 1687 4564 4473 2877 190 34 88
811 2648 5122 190 4473 2877 99 144
811 2648 5122 2877 4473 190 155 110
5122 2648 811 4473 2877 190 111 124

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Truss & Catch
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 716 20 350 441 220 159 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
2 1350 18 320 362 130 320 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
3 4564 18 300 467 230 179 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
4 4909 16 390 386 120 74 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
5 2423 16 300 469 180 234 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
6 2648 16 270 310 130 124 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
7 2370 16 240 369 140 245 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
8 4473 16 220 375 120 224 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
9 4905 16 200 299 70 240 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
10 61 14 310 493 250 179 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
11 3930 14 290 412 90 209 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
12 5122 14 270 397 200 313 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
13 190 14 250 326 190 280 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
14 4048 14 240 368 220 335 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
15 2877 14 220 455 150 283 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
16 157 14 120 363 140 151 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
17 3236 12 310 257 140 186 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
18 885 12 300 424 140 295 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
19 811 12 290 459 140 336 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
20 1735 12 250 463 120 381 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
21 839 12 240 265 160 180 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
22 4097 12 190 343 120 244 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
23 238 12 170 409 160 297 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
24 88 12 170 333 160 203 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
25 1153 10 280 314 70 161 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
26 1768 10 240 406 100 96 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
27 4041 10 240 315 190 171 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
28 1100 10 190 363 140 148 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
29 4906 10 180 295 180 275 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
30 1687 10 140 270 100 130 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
31 467 10 120 315 110 275 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
32 4169 8 260 404 110 153 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
33 3623 8 250 293 60 149 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
34 3205 8 170 320 50 322 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
35 5347 8 120 194 100 118 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
36 1740 8 110 325 80 251 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
37 3466 6 300 260 120 91 3-9-0 0 12 0.50
38 1027 4 80 361 80 180 2-10-0 0 12 0.33
39 1277 2 40 163 20 177 1-9-0 2 12 0.17

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Upton, Massachusetts, USA
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, USA
Randolph Center, Vermont, USA
West Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Northborough/Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Walpole, Massachusetts, USA
Groton, Massachusetts, USA
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Ledyard, Connecticut, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
Rutland, Vermont, USA
Team Location Image
Watertown, Massachusetts, USA
Oakland, Maine, USA
Newtonville, Massachusetts, USA
Concord, Massachusetts, USA
Franklin, Massachusetts, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Leominster, Massachusetts, USA
Jay, Maine, USA
Gardiner, Maine, USA
Westborough, Massachusetts, USA
Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA
Richmond, Maine, USA
Brewer, Maine, USA
Ayer, Massachusetts, USA
Waterville, Maine, USA
Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
Old Town, Maine, USA
Weston, Massachusetts, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 2648
Engineering Inspiration 3930
Rookie All Star Award 4905
Volunteer of the Year Matthew Simpson
Winner 4473
Winner 190
Winner 2877
Finalist 2648
Finalist 5122
Finalist 811
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2877
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 467
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2423
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4564
Highest Rookie Seed Award 4909
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1735
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1153
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3930
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 716
Judges Award 1100
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 61
Rookie Inspiration Award 4906
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 157
Rank Team Qual Points Elim Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 2648 16 20 12 10 58
2 4473 16 30 11 0 57
3 190 14 30 11 0 55
4 2877 14 30 6 5 55
5 716 20 10 16 5 51
6 4564 18 10 15 5 48
7 5122 14 20 12 0 46
8 1350 18 10 15 0 43
9 885 12 10 16 0 38
10 811 12 20 5 0 37
11 3930 14 0 8 13 35
12 2423 16 0 13 5 34
13 4905 16 0 10 8 34
14 4909 16 0 14 0 30
15 2370 16 0 13 0 29
16 4048 14 0 14 0 28
17 61 14 0 9 5 28
18 1735 12 0 10 5 27
19 1687 10 10 2 0 22
20 4169 8 10 1 0 19
21 839 12 0 7 0 19
22 157 14 0 0 5 19
23 4906 10 0 3 5 18
24 3623 8 0 9 0 17
25 1153 10 0 0 5 15
26 1100 10 0 0 5 15
27 467 10 0 0 5 15
28 1768 10 0 4 0 14
29 238 12 0 0 0 12
30 3236 12 0 0 0 12
31 4097 12 0 0 0 12
32 88 12 0 0 0 12
33 4041 10 0 0 0 10
34 3205 8 0 0 0 8
35 1740 8 0 0 0 8
36 5347 8 0 0 0 8
37 3466 6 0 0 0 6
38 1027 4 0 0 0 4
39 1277 2 0 0 0 2

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1735 53.82
5122 52.03
61 50.27
4048 49.67
811 48.37
885 47.85
4564 47.14
2877 44.89
1350 43.86
2423 43.78
716 40.14
238 36.88
4909 36.23
190 33.26
2370 31.71
4906 30.54
4473 29.07
4169 28.71
3930 28.63
1100 26.45
3236 26.17
1768 21.15
4097 20.30
4041 16.55
839 15.89
88 15.65
467 15.54
4905 15.50
3205 13.83
1153 13.73
3466 13.57
2648 11.59
1740 9.27
3623 8.29
157 6.53
1027 2.13
1277 0.78
1687 -4.29
5347 -12.97
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