Crossroads Regional 2013

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3138 3186 1756 2909 4143 3492 46 18
1288 4256 4690 1038 4028 3201 98 61
292 4103 868 4213 3844 48 118 67
1208 3494 1706 1646 3559 3266 95 79
2081 4330 931 1529 1024 3947 55 58
4272 1018 2481 4058 1501 4008 100 34
279 4781 930 2360 1094 447 57 59
4329 2171 2202 234 1741 4211 82 117
337 3947 1706 1720 4256 4103 71 69
1529 3844 4272 1208 4028 3492 12 140
3186 3201 1018 48 2481 4781 46 90
1024 4058 4690 2909 2171 2360 25 12
3138 4330 3494 931 1741 868 27 207
4213 447 1501 1094 3266 2202 167 100
1646 4143 4008 279 292 1720 23 55
1038 4329 337 3559 1756 930 41 137
4211 1288 4058 234 2081 4103 61 83
447 3494 931 1706 3492 4690 91 94
1024 292 4213 2171 3201 1529 96 37
3266 1756 4781 4028 4008 3947 39 103
48 2909 337 3559 4272 4143 30 53
4329 1018 2360 1720 4211 4330 68 65
1646 1038 234 3138 1501 3844 120 115
4256 2481 2202 1094 1208 1741 156 122
3186 279 868 2081 1288 930 111 72
4008 3494 3201 4211 447 2909 34 55
3559 337 1720 4213 2171 4781 61 28
292 2202 4028 1038 4330 2360 131 44
4143 930 1741 1529 1646 1288 117 110
1094 931 1018 4103 3492 4329 111 49
3947 4256 234 1024 3186 48 111 100
1208 2481 1756 1706 2081 868 127 114
3138 4272 4058 4690 3844 3266 45 63
1501 1529 2202 279 3494 337 103 89
4028 930 931 1018 234 4213 114 107
4330 1024 868 4143 1038 4781 143 34
2171 447 2081 3559 4103 48 106 64
4690 4211 2481 292 3138 4256 89 79
3844 1741 1706 279 3947 4272 141 35
2360 1501 3266 4329 3201 1288 96 84
1646 1720 3492 2909 4058 1756 72 63
3186 1208 1529 1094 4008 4690 41 65
3138 1741 3947 1018 292 3559 103 86
447 930 4330 3844 279 2481 149 83
1720 4272 1756 1024 1288 2202 133 147
4781 3201 3492 4329 2081 1646 54 32
4103 1208 4143 1501 2909 4028 129 85
3494 48 1094 337 4058 234 74 81
868 3266 4008 2171 931 4256 116 100
1706 1038 4213 4211 3186 2360 88 20
1288 3844 292 2202 2909 4781 61 58
447 3947 4143 4329 1208 4058 144 76
1646 4690 48 3266 2481 4330 72 115
1501 4211 2171 1024 930 3492 80 116
234 3559 2360 1529 1018 868 55 126
4103 1741 337 1038 3186 4008 46 68
1094 3201 2081 931 3138 1720 75 116
4213 279 1756 3494 4256 4272 46 51
4028 868 48 1706 2202 930 145 124
3492 3947 2171 1288 1038 2481 70 115
4211 3266 4103 1529 1741 4781 59 52
3186 3559 447 1756 1501 931 100 126
4330 2909 4008 234 1094 1706 6 138
3138 279 4329 4213 4028 4058 64 58
1646 292 1208 1024 1018 337 57 86
4256 2360 3844 2081 4143 3494 80 37
4272 4690 1741 1720 3201 868 73 93
4008 4103 2202 48 3138 930 109 145
1646 1094 4028 4211 3559 3947 98 40
3494 1024 2171 292 4329 3186 43 47
1018 2081 1038 3266 4272 447 117 117
3844 931 2909 2481 2360 337 72 33
4058 4143 1529 3201 1756 1706 55 52
4690 1720 4781 234 279 1501 34 181
3492 1288 4330 4256 1208 4213 105 112
868 2360 4272 4103 447 1646 88 83
3844 1756 1094 1018 2171 1741 85 95
1024 2481 1720 3494 4028 1529 41 65
3492 234 3266 4143 337 292 142 51
4256 1706 2909 4329 4781 1501 73 84
3201 3559 4058 2202 3186 4330 51 75
4213 4008 930 4690 2081 3947 70 53
4211 1038 279 1208 931 48 85 152
3138 447 1024 1288 1706 2171 130 151


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 868 234 1646
Alliance 2 930 1501 3492
Alliance 3 931 1208 1094
Alliance 4 4028 48 1038
Alliance 5 2481 1741 3947
Alliance 6 447 1288 1756
Alliance 7 3266 1018 3138
Alliance 8 1706 2202 4256

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
234 1646 868 4256 2202 1706 173 102
234 868 1646 1706 4256 2202 168 125
1038 48 4028 2481 3947 1741 153 163
1038 4028 48 1741 2481 3947 124 178
930 1501 3492 3266 3138 1018 98 69
930 3492 1501 3266 1018 3138 117 131
930 3492 1501 1018 3138 3266 88 97
931 1094 1208 1756 447 1288 105 215
1094 1208 931 1756 447 1288 101 165
868 1646 234 1741 3947 2481 169 160
1646 868 234 2481 1741 3947 113 127
234 1646 868 3947 1741 2481 154 116
3266 3138 1018 1288 1756 447 80 146
1018 3266 3138 1288 447 1756 104 153
234 1646 868 447 1288 1756 154 129
868 234 1646 447 1288 1756 147 107

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Qual Score Auto Climb Teleop Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Qual Score/Match*
1 868 18 354 230 677 9-1-0 0 10 1.80
2 234 16 314 230 591 8-2-0 0 10 1.60
3 930 14 346 190 565 7-3-0 0 10 1.40
4 931 14 332 290 522 7-3-0 0 10 1.40
5 4028 14 258 190 552 7-3-0 0 10 1.40
6 2481 14 246 340 363 7-3-0 0 10 1.40
7 447 13 332 220 558 6-3-1 0 10 1.30
8 3266 13 296 160 470 6-3-1 0 10 1.30
9 1018 13 282 200 460 6-3-1 0 10 1.30
10 1706 12 316 190 541 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
11 1208 12 294 280 477 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
12 1024 12 270 150 469 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
13 4256 12 268 370 291 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
14 1501 12 266 160 645 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
15 1741 12 260 250 563 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
16 3492 12 250 140 470 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
17 292 12 234 210 337 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
18 3947 12 214 180 394 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
19 4690 12 186 170 310 6-4-0 0 10 1.20
20 1094 10 306 240 381 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
21 3138 10 306 140 424 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
22 2202 10 288 270 527 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
23 1288 10 278 190 536 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
24 3186 10 240 160 254 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
25 4213 10 238 180 421 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
26 3844 10 234 180 365 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
27 2360 10 222 120 213 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
28 1720 10 200 100 439 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
29 4008 10 170 150 308 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
30 1529 10 142 150 367 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
31 4143 10 72 270 319 5-5-0 0 10 1.00
32 4272 9 208 150 349 4-5-1 0 10 0.90
33 1038 9 184 180 409 4-5-1 0 10 0.90
34 4330 8 298 150 336 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
35 1756 8 284 150 420 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
36 48 8 270 140 529 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
37 4329 8 204 180 243 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
38 4103 8 192 250 367 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
39 4211 8 174 130 367 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
40 279 8 136 220 450 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
41 337 8 126 180 283 4-6-0 0 10 0.80
42 1646 6 232 180 334 3-7-0 0 10 0.60
43 3559 6 230 170 326 3-7-0 0 10 0.60
44 2171 6 208 220 339 3-7-0 0 10 0.60
45 3494 6 140 200 239 3-6-0 1 10 0.60
46 4058 6 140 120 289 3-7-0 0 10 0.60
47 4781 6 128 120 282 3-7-0 0 10 0.60
48 2081 5 258 200 286 2-7-1 0 10 0.50
49 3201 4 180 140 267 2-8-0 0 10 0.40
50 2909 4 98 90 284 2-8-0 0 10 0.40

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Warren, Ohio, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Russiaville, Indiana, USA
Whitman, West Virginia, USA
Anderson, Indiana, USA
Carmel, Indiana, USA
Mukwonago, Wisconsin, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Liberty Township , Ohio, USA
O Fallon, Missouri, USA
O Fallon, Illinois, USA
Saint Charles, Missouri, USA
Huntington, Indiana, USA
Greenwood, Indiana, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Wentzville, Missouri, USA
Matthews, Indiana, USA
Greenwood, Indiana, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Crown Point, Indiana, USA
Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Tremont, Illinois, USA
Rochester, Indiana, USA
Englewood, Ohio, USA
Dayton, OH, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Eaton, Ohio, USA
Winfield, West Virginia, USA
Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Jasper, Indiana, USA
Corbin, Kentucky, USA
Wilkinson, Indiana, USA
Petersburg, Indiana, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Liberty, IN, USA
Avon, Indiana, USA
Metamora, Illinois, USA
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Bloomington, Illinois, USA
Town and Country, Missouri, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Saint Peters, Missouri, USA
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
indianapolis, IN, USA
Connersville, Indiana, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 337
Engineering Inspiration Award 2081
Rookie All Star Award 4781
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Dan Newby (447)
Volunteer of the Year Jason Zielke
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Colin Hartman (447)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Justin Chu (3138)
Regional Winners 868
Regional Winners 234
Regional Winners 1646
Regional Finalists 1756
Regional Finalists 1288
Regional Finalists 447
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1094
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1741
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4256
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1018
Highest Rookie Seed 4690
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1024
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 234
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 337
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2481
Judges' Award 4143
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 3266
Rookie Inspiration Award 4690
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1038

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
868 78.07
447 69.44
234 63.14
2202 58.51
1501 58.43
1208 53.55
1288 52.43
1741 50.12
48 45.23
1018 44.68
930 44.03
931 43.97
4028 43.65
1706 42.05
4256 40.56
2481 39.20
1756 36.11
3492 34.06
3266 33.26
1038 32.98
1024 30.49
3138 28.22
279 27.82
1094 26.68
4143 24.92
1720 24.62
3559 23.39
3947 21.61
3844 20.85
2171 19.18
4330 18.98
292 16.21
4329 15.09
4690 14.60
4213 13.83
1646 13.23
4008 12.40
4103 12.35
4272 12.09
4211 11.74
2081 9.53
337 8.38
3201 7.83
1529 6.18
4058 4.36
3186 4.25
3494 3.49
4781 -4.49
2360 -5.43
2909 -11.09
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