Western Canadian FRC Regional 2013

to Week 6
The Olympic Oval in Calgary, AB, Canada
details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4751 244 4733 4625 3527 3354 9 1
3278 4633 1772 1305 4719 4604 46 0
4205 4497 4001 1334 1482 4627 96 117
1870 4634 4720 4591 4606 1691 3 3
4334 216 1482 4771 288 771 121 1
1334 1305 4634 4751 3278 3527 118 10
1691 4205 4627 1772 4733 4591 10 21
4606 1870 288 4604 4771 244 21 21
216 771 3354 4001 4720 4334 55 117
4625 4633 288 4719 4497 1870 18 6
4634 4771 3527 244 4627 3354 4 22
1772 1482 4001 4720 4497 4625 123 8
4604 4751 4606 4719 771 4205 0 33
4334 3278 1305 1334 4591 4733 82 92
1691 216 3527 4633 4751 3354 46 6
4001 4634 4719 288 4604 3278 39 33
1334 771 244 4334 4497 4733 56 42
1870 4625 216 4606 1305 4205 43 103
4633 1691 4720 4627 1482 4771 0 19
1772 4634 4497 4591 288 1305 29 43
771 4751 1870 4720 4205 4627 13 37
4633 4733 4719 4334 1772 3527 10 56
4625 3278 4591 4001 3354 244 13 56
216 1334 4771 1691 4604 1482 85 39
4627 4633 4334 4606 3278 4497 20 56
4604 3354 4205 4591 4771 4001 6 84
4733 4606 4720 4751 288 4634 16 18
1305 1482 1691 1870 3527 244 45 6
771 216 1772 4625 4719 1334 58 95
1482 3527 3278 4634 4604 4591 13 2
1772 4771 4205 4001 4625 771 32 50
3354 1305 4606 4497 216 4633 65 41
4719 4751 4720 1691 4334 244 11 90
4733 288 1334 4627 1870 4001 132 58
4633 1482 4591 4751 1305 4625 25 41
4334 1334 3354 1691 1870 4771 81 5
244 4719 3278 4627 4606 216 40 64
3527 4604 4497 288 4720 1772 30 36
4205 4733 4625 4634 771 1691 20 14
4001 1334 4606 1482 1772 3354 111 27
4591 771 4720 3278 4733 1870 9 16
3527 4627 288 244 216 1305 20 126
4771 4334 4497 4634 4205 4633 56 32
4604 4751 4627 4719 4625 1691 11 0
3354 4771 3278 1870 1334 1772 0 119
4334 4604 4001 771 1305 3527 111 44
4497 244 4720 4205 4751 4591 24 33
216 288 4719 1482 4634 4733 48 39
4606 1870 4591 4633 3527 4001 28 42
4625 4634 4627 4604 216 4733 0 41
244 4751 1772 4606 1482 771 42 25
4771 4720 4719 1305 1334 4633 28 69
4205 1691 3278 288 3354 4497 28 31
244 1305 1772 4334 4751 4634 58 78
4733 4001 1691 4633 4606 4771 46 20
4625 4334 288 4720 4604 1334 105 82
3354 3527 4719 1870 4205 1482 13 40
4591 4497 4627 3278 771 216 24 64


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1334 4334 4633
Alliance 2 4001 216 1691
Alliance 3 288 1482 4719
Alliance 4 1305 1772 4497
Alliance 5 4733 4606 4625
Alliance 6 244 4205 1870
Alliance 7 4751 3354 4771
Alliance 8 4627 771 3278

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1334 4633 4334 3278 771 4627 102 29
1334 4334 4633 771 4627 3278 74 26
1305 4497 1772 4733 4625 4606 89 51
1772 4497 1305 4733 4625 4606 77 58
4001 1691 216 4771 4751 3354 55 8
4001 1691 216 3354 4751 4771 79 22
1482 288 4719 244 1870 4205 66 49
288 4719 1482 1870 244 4205 37 83
4719 288 1482 1870 4205 244 38 103
4633 4334 1334 4497 1772 1305 88 76
4334 1334 4591 4497 1772 1305 164 116
1691 4001 216 244 4205 1870 62 67
216 1691 4001 1870 244 4205 94 55
1691 216 4001 1870 244 4205 103 25
1334 4334 4591 216 4001 1691 133 79
4334 1334 4591 4001 1691 216 107 92

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1334 22 314 290 553 11-1-0 0 12 1.83
2 4001 20 264 240 429 10-2-0 0 12 1.67
3 4334 18 290 160 509 9-3-0 0 12 1.50
4 288 17 174 120 212 8-3-1 0 12 1.42
5 216 16 274 170 348 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
6 1305 16 248 200 346 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
7 4733 16 122 160 202 8-4-0 0 12 1.33
8 244 15 210 100 240 7-4-1 0 12 1.25
9 1772 14 176 170 301 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
10 1482 14 170 170 293 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
11 4751 14 74 90 108 7-5-0 0 12 1.17
12 4627 12 124 130 148 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
13 4205 12 112 230 128 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
14 4606 12 112 170 230 5-5-2 0 12 1.00
15 4625 12 100 130 164 6-6-0 0 12 1.00
16 4591 11 116 100 161 5-6-1 0 12 0.92
17 3354 10 102 80 181 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
18 3278 10 78 160 163 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
19 4771 9 114 70 171 4-6-1 1 12 0.75
20 1691 9 92 100 134 4-7-1 0 12 0.75
21 1870 8 112 110 136 3-7-2 0 12 0.67
22 771 8 110 150 162 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
23 4719 8 106 130 87 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
24 4633 8 104 80 145 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
25 3527 8 68 100 117 4-8-0 0 12 0.67
26 4720 7 104 90 177 3-8-1 0 12 0.58
27 4604 7 92 140 144 3-8-1 0 12 0.58
28 4634 7 68 50 111 3-6-1 2 12 0.58
29 4497 6 110 80 253 3-9-0 0 12 0.50

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Grandville, Michigan, USA
Grandville, Michigan, USA
Grandville, Michigan, USA
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Sidney, MT, USA
Gravataí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Red Deer, AB, Canada
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, USA
Queretaro, Querétaro, Mexico
Atizapan de Zaragoza, Mexico, Mexico
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, AB, Canada
Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, AB, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Morelia, MIC, Mexico
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3354
Engineering Inspiration Award 288
Rookie All Star Award 4627
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Craig Maynard (4334)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Alexander Rodrigues (4334)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Emily Haws (1305)
Regional Winners 4591
Regional Winners 4633
Regional Winners 4334
Regional Winners 1334
Regional Finalists 1691
Regional Finalists 216
Regional Finalists 4001
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 4001
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 771
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1334
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 216
Highest Rookie Seed 4733
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3278
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4497
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1305
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4334
Judges' Award 4625
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1772
Rookie Inspiration Award 4771
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3354

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1334 69.47
4001 53.76
4334 48.59
216 44.24
1305 32.86
1482 24.38
4205 23.73
1772 19.99
288 19.46
244 16.44
4606 14.69
3278 11.88
4497 10.16
4720 5.64
4591 5.51
4634 4.50
4751 4.31
4625 3.63
4733 2.82
4719 2.05
4627 1.47
1870 0.73
3527 -0.65
4771 -0.66
1691 -0.75
771 -1.50
4604 -1.54
3354 -3.65
4633 -5.70
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