Pittsburgh Regional 2010

to Week 2
PITT Petersen Event Center in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
http://www.pittsburghfirst.org - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2279 1279 2809 2603 128 2252 2 0
3260 451 337 2051 2641 433 4 3
3138 2544 1743 1317 1708 117 1 0
2614 1990 1503 222 1038 306 0 2
1114 3193 63 3062 1249 2618 12 7
433 3138 2279 2656 1279 1503 4 6
222 117 2603 451 1990 2641 2 0
2809 3260 1038 1317 63 337 5 5
3062 2544 2051 306 2656 1114 3 8
128 1249 1708 2252 2614 1743 0 5
3193 2641 1317 2618 1503 222 4 0
451 1038 1114 1708 2252 1990 11 5
2603 3193 3062 117 1743 337 0 2
3138 2618 63 1279 2614 433 5 3
128 2809 2051 306 3260 1249 5 0
2279 2656 1990 2544 3138 2641 0 0
2809 306 1708 3260 1279 2618 3 1
2603 1317 1249 2544 451 433 0 6
3193 128 2656 1038 1743 3062 0 1
63 1503 2252 2051 222 2279 6 4
337 2614 2656 1114 117 1317 1 5
1279 2603 2252 3062 451 3138 3 5
1708 2544 1503 306 1990 128 1 0
1114 433 337 3260 3193 222 8 0
2641 2279 2614 117 2809 2618 2 2
1249 2051 1743 1038 63 2603 5 3
117 3193 1279 2809 2252 2544 2 0
1038 1503 128 2618 337 2051 3 6
2656 433 3062 1708 3138 222 4 9
1114 2279 1249 3260 1990 2641 6 1
2614 306 1317 1743 451 63 3 4
2252 2641 2618 1249 1038 1990 3 3
3260 433 1503 1279 63 3062 3 11
3138 1317 2544 2614 3193 2051 3 3
337 2603 306 222 1114 128 2 10
2809 451 2279 1708 2656 1743 5 0
117 306 2614 3260 1038 3138 2 5
128 63 2641 1708 2051 1114 6 6
2279 117 3062 1503 451 1317 0 6
2544 222 2656 1249 337 2252 3 2
2603 1743 2809 433 1990 3193 3 1
1279 2051 3138 2618 2614 1038 8 3
2252 2656 451 1503 2809 433 7 8
2641 3062 337 128 1743 2618 3 0
1279 1114 1990 1708 3260 2603 9 1
63 222 1249 2279 2544 1317 5 0
117 1038 433 3193 306 1503 1 7
2603 451 2618 63 2544 2614 3 10
337 1708 2809 1249 1114 3138 1 15
128 3062 3260 2252 2656 1317 0 1
1743 222 2641 1279 2279 306 2 6
1990 2051 3260 3193 117 2544 3 0
1503 1743 1114 3138 2641 2603 8 2
222 1990 3062 2614 1249 2809 1 1
1317 2618 433 451 128 117 3 4
306 2252 2051 337 2279 3193 4 4
1279 1708 1038 63 2656 2641 7 3
1317 1743 3260 2809 3062 1114 3 13
337 1038 222 2279 1708 2252 6 1
3138 1990 117 433 128 63 2 4
3193 451 1249 2614 1279 1503 2 7
2618 2544 306 2051 2603 2656 4 3


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1114 63 117
Alliance 2 1279 3138 2656
Alliance 3 1503 222 2252
Alliance 4 451 2051 1317
Alliance 5 2809 2614 2641
Alliance 6 1038 3193 306
Alliance 7 337 2544 128
Alliance 8 1708 1249 433

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
63 117 1114 1249 433 1708 8 2
63 1114 117 1708 433 1249 15 2
451 1317 2051 2641 2614 2809 7 7
1317 2051 451 2809 2614 2641 3 7
1743 451 2051 2614 2641 2809 1 7
1279 3138 2656 128 337 2544 7 2
2656 1279 3138 128 337 2544 7 2
2252 1503 222 3193 1038 306 4 1
2252 222 1503 306 1038 3193 5 2
117 1114 63 2614 2809 2641 9 2
63 117 1114 2641 2809 2614 4 0
2656 1279 3138 1503 222 2252 5 3
3138 1279 2656 1503 2252 222 7 2
3138 2656 1279 222 2252 1503 3 3
1114 63 117 1279 2656 3138 12 3
63 1114 117 3138 2656 1279 15 3

Elimination Bracket



Seeding Score
Coopertition Bonus
Hanging Points
Seeding Score/Match*
1 1114 244 78 16 0 12 20.33
2 63 210 90 4 0 12 17.50
3 1279 160 44 2 0 12 13.33
4 3138 157 50 2 0 12 13.08
5 1503 155 42 4 0 12 12.92
6 451 154 42 2 0 12 12.83
7 2809 146 46 2 0 12 12.17
8 2051 141 54 2 0 12 11.75
9 1038 139 42 4 0 12 11.58
10 337 136 34 4 0 12 11.33
11 222 133 34 12 0 12 11.08
12 1708 130 30 0 0 12 10.83
13 1743 126 28 2 0 12 10.50
14 3062 125 24 2 0 12 10.42
15 1249 124 28 4 0 12 10.33
16 433 124 26 2 0 12 10.33
17 306 123 34 2 0 11 11.18
18 3193 114 34 2 0 12 9.50
19 3260 114 22 0 0 12 9.50
20 2544 113 36 2 0 12 9.42
21 2618 110 32 0 0 11 10.00
22 128 108 34 2 0 12 9.00
23 1317 101 22 0 0 12 8.42
24 2614 99 26 4 0 12 8.25
25 2656 96 20 4 0 11 8.73
26 2252 95 22 0 0 12 7.92
27 2641 90 24 2 0 12 7.50
28 2603 84 6 2 0 12 7.00
29 2279 81 20 4 0 9 9.00
30 117 80 14 2 0 10 8.00
31 1990 73 14 0 0 12 6.08

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, USA
Corry, Pennsylvania, USA
Whitman, West Virginia, USA
Flourtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Liberty Township , Ohio, USA
St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Delbarton, West Virginia, USA
Somerville, New Jersey, USA
Westerville, Ohio, USA
Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Lodi, OH, USA
Allison Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Milan, Ohio, USA
Butler, PA, USA
Harborcreek, Pennsylvania, USA
Medina, Ohio, USA
Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Monroeville, Pennsylvania, USA
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, USA
Englewood, Ohio, USA
Austintown, Ohio, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 433
Engineering Inspiration 337
Rookie All Star Award 3138
Woodie Flowers Award Tom O'Niel - Dana Corporation & Sylvania City Schools (451)
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year David Dujmic
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Luke Scime - West Virginia High Tech Consortium / West Virginia University & Mountaineer Area Robotics & Mon County Board of Education (2614)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Mary Elizabeth Entwistle - Lockheed Martin Corporation/Aetna Life & Casualty Company/Comcast/Society of Women Engineers/United Phosphorus Inc. & Mount St. Joseph Academy (433)
Winner 1114
Winner 63
Winner 117
Finalist 1279
Finalist 2656
Finalist 3138
Coopertition Award 63
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1114
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 63
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 433
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 1743
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1708
Highest Rookie Seed 3138
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 451
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 222
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 337
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2614
Judges Award 1038
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 2051
Rookie Inspiration Award 3260
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1743
Website Award 451

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1114 6.86
63 3.74
1279 2.88
3138 2.81
451 2.64
2051 2.29
1503 1.80
2809 1.78
3062 1.56
222 1.51
1038 1.48
306 1.35
2252 1.34
433 1.24
337 1.22
2614 1.06
1249 0.68
2618 0.66
1317 0.65
3193 0.62
1708 0.46
2656 0.36
2641 0.19
1743 0.18
3260 0.01
2544 -0.07
128 -0.07
2279 -0.09
1990 -0.47
117 -0.58
2603 -0.59
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