Colorado Regional 2008

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1789 1785 443 662 1584 159 42 20
2275 2400 1357 1296 1339 1377 8 14
1996 1375 1158 1619 2259 1361 64 0
1410 1552 1332 2036 1625 1303 38 52
1408 2543 1157 1986 2250 1592 10 50
2083 1348 2261 1691 1245 1583 36 0
1764 1977 2240 1710 1799 1847 6 22
1158 1361 1339 1785 1584 1296 38 22
159 2275 1552 1332 1375 662 32 0
1357 1408 443 1410 1625 1157 40 46
1348 1303 1583 2261 2259 1592 16 34
1977 1847 1245 1691 2400 2543 44 22
2250 1377 1799 2036 1764 1996 20 48
2240 2083 1619 1789 1986 1710 16 40
1339 1785 662 1157 1357 159 46 16
1296 1625 1332 1584 1592 1375 72 32
1158 1977 2275 1245 1303 1408 16 28
443 1691 1410 2259 1764 1583 4 22
1996 1552 2083 2240 1789 1847 50 10
1348 1361 1710 2250 2400 2036 0 28
1986 1377 1619 2543 2261 1799 48 18
662 1157 1296 1158 1332 1303 34 60
1375 443 1583 1339 1977 1357 24 18
1552 1592 1245 1410 1785 1996 60 50
1691 159 1764 2250 1361 2240 48 0
2261 1584 1619 1408 2400 1710 38 48
1625 1847 1986 1789 2259 1377 42 4
1799 2036 1348 2543 2083 2275 18 26
1158 443 1157 1583 1552 1296 74 48
1303 1357 1592 1361 1332 1245 46 16
1339 1408 1375 2250 2261 1710 10 38
159 1377 1785 1619 1410 1847 6 12
1348 2400 2259 1625 1799 2240 14 70
662 1764 1789 2083 1977 2036 18 0
1584 1986 2543 1691 2275 1996 32 22
2261 1245 1158 1332 1710 443 50 50
1583 1847 1408 1361 1303 159 18 18
2240 1348 1377 1785 1157 1375 20 6
1296 1799 2400 1789 1410 2250 12 8
662 1592 2036 1339 1691 1986 68 42
1625 2275 1584 1619 1977 1996 62 56
2259 1552 2543 2083 1357 1764 0 24
1245 159 1375 1377 1158 1583 24 44
1303 1157 1710 1789 1799 1361 22 14
443 1592 1847 1408 2036 2240 58 18
1691 1977 1296 1348 1332 1619 16 28
1357 1986 2261 1584 1764 1552 64 24
1410 2400 1339 2543 1996 662 26 36
2275 1785 2250 2259 1625 2083 6 26
1375 1377 1710 1592 1789 1408 50 40
1157 1799 1619 1691 1158 1847 28 22
1986 1361 1552 1977 443 1348 44 32
1296 2036 1357 1996 2261 159 32 40
1303 1410 2259 2083 1339 1584 4 22
1332 2275 1764 2400 1785 1583 16 40
1625 2543 2250 2240 662 1245 74 22
1710 1619 1691 443 1552 1377 58 24
1996 1357 1789 1408 1348 1158 50 64
1977 2259 1799 159 1296 1592 44 42
1785 2083 1303 1986 2400 1375 20 56
1584 1332 1583 1847 2250 662 20 28
1625 1245 1764 1157 1339 2036 66 32
2543 1410 2240 2261 1361 2275 40 16

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1625 1296 1592 1332 2400 1303 42 36
1592 1625 1296 1303 2400 1332 68 8
1158 1785 1552 1847 1799 662 68 14
1552 1158 1785 1799 1847 662 80 30
1986 1996 1348 2543 1619 2261 62 30
1996 1348 1986 1619 2543 2261 78 28
1157 1710 1357 2036 1764 2083 46 0
1710 1357 1157 2083 1764 2036 64 24
1592 1296 1625 1158 1552 1785 100 56
1625 1592 1296 1552 1785 1158 88 62
1986 1996 1348 1710 1357 1157 58 44
1986 1996 1348 1710 1357 1157 64 42
1592 1625 1296 1986 1348 1996 76 50
1296 1625 1592 1986 1348 1996 92 62

Elimination Bracket



Qual Score
Seeding Score
Match Points
Record (W-L-T)
Qual Score/Match*
1 1625 18 32.67 74 9-0-0 0 9 2.00
2 1986 16 32.00 64 8-1-0 0 9 1.78
3 1710 15 24.22 58 7-1-1 0 9 1.67
4 1158 13 32.67 74 6-2-1 0 9 1.44
5 1847 13 18.44 58 6-2-1 0 9 1.44
6 1592 12 34.00 68 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
7 1764 12 20.67 66 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
8 2083 12 19.56 50 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
9 2261 11 27.78 64 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
10 1303 11 20.67 60 5-3-1 0 9 1.22
11 1996 10 33.78 64 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
12 1619 10 30.67 58 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
13 2543 10 23.78 74 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
14 1799 10 23.56 70 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
15 662 10 22.22 68 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
16 1377 10 22.22 50 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
17 2400 10 21.56 56 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
18 2250 10 15.33 74 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
19 443 9 29.33 74 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
20 1245 9 28.00 66 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
21 1583 9 21.56 48 4-4-1 0 9 1.00
22 1552 8 29.33 60 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
23 1157 8 26.89 74 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
24 2036 8 25.78 68 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
25 1339 8 25.33 46 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
26 1348 8 22.00 64 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
27 2259 8 16.67 44 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
28 1408 7 27.78 64 3-5-1 0 9 0.78
29 1332 7 26.89 72 3-5-1 0 9 0.78
30 159 7 23.78 48 3-5-1 0 9 0.78
31 1296 6 30.22 72 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
32 1584 6 29.78 62 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
33 1357 6 25.56 64 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
34 1410 6 23.56 50 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
35 2275 6 22.89 62 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
36 1375 6 21.11 56 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
37 1789 6 19.11 50 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
38 1785 6 18.00 50 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
39 2240 6 14.22 70 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
40 1361 5 16.44 44 2-6-1 0 9 0.56
41 1977 4 25.33 56 2-7-0 0 9 0.44
42 1691 4 21.11 58 2-7-0 0 9 0.44

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Denver, CO, USA
USAF Academy, Colorado, USA
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Collbran, CO, USA
Louisville, Colorado, USA
Rockwall, Texas, USA
Casper, Wyoming, USA
Collbran, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Denver, CO, USA
Loveland, CO, USA
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Aurora, CO, USA
Thornton, CO, USA
Edgewater, CO, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Niwot, CO, USA
Watkins, Colorado, USA
Nederland, Colorado, USA
Cocoa, Florida, USA
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Winnebago, Illinois, USA
Sidney, MT, USA
Olathe, Kansas, USA
Liberty, Missouri, USA
Blue Springs, Missouri, USA
Kremmling, CO, USA
Littleton, Colorado, USA
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
Loveland, Colorado, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Blue Springs, MO, USA
Boulder, Colorado, USA
Conifer, Colorado, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Denver, CO, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Denver, CO, USA
Sheridan, WY, USA
Chula Vista, California, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 159
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 1625
Rookie All Star Award 2543
Woodie Flowers Award Vickie Huffman of Team 1592 (1592)
Outstanding Volunteer Award Mark Dotterweich
Regional Winner 1296
Regional Winner 1592
Regional Winner 1625
Regional Finalist 1348
Regional Finalist 1986
Regional Finalist 1996
Autodesk Visualization Award 1799
Chrysler Team Spirit Award 1710
Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award 1996
General Motors Industrial Design Award 1592
Highest Rookie Seed Award 2543
Imagery Award 1157
Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism 1583
Judges Award 2250
Judges Award 1245
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Entrepreneurship Award 2083
Motorola Quality Award 1764
Rockwell Automation Innovation in Control Award 1986
Rookie Inspiration Award 2400
Underwriters Laboratory Industrial Safety Award 1710
Website Award 1296
Xerox Creativity Award 1339

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1625 44.14
1158 34.13
1592 30.34
1996 27.61
1986 24.70
1710 21.30
443 19.26
1619 17.51
1552 17.00
2261 13.94
2400 12.68
662 11.61
1339 11.32
1764 11.18
1245 11.14
1785 11.03
1357 10.21
1799 10.18
159 9.41
1296 9.24
1332 9.15
1408 8.56
1583 8.46
2036 8.30
2543 7.97
1303 6.33
1977 6.31
1348 5.95
2250 5.49
2240 5.41
1789 3.98
1584 3.77
1410 3.68
1157 2.56
1377 2.28
2083 2.16
1375 0.74
1691 0.12
1847 -1.15
2275 -1.82
2259 -5.57
1361 -5.95
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